Privacy Policy


Your Privacy Matters  

Here at MSK’s Group of companies, we care about your data. We have put in place appropriate controls and security policies to keep your data safe.

MSK’s Group determine the purposes and means of processing personal client data relating to giving advice. This means we are controllers for these core advice giving activities and therefore responsible for managing this client data and ensuring compliance.

What Information do we collect about you?

The information we collect about you may vary based on what service we provide to you. Typically, we need the likes of your name, residential address, contact information and employment information.

Some financial services products may require us to collect information about your health and lifestyle.

We only collect information about you that we need to make sure you get the best service from us. We respect your privacy and we try to minimise what we do collect.

How do we collect information about you?

We prefer to collect the information we need directly from you. That way, you know what we have, and we can be sure you’ve provided us with the most accurate and up to date information.

We will usually do this:

  • When we complete our fact find and discussion document.

  • When you contact us for any reason.

  • If you complete an online form.

  • Through email or over the phone

  • If you complete a survey.

  • When completing application forms.

What do we do with the information we collect about you?

We use your information in various ways, such as to:

  • Meet the purposes that you provided your information.

  • Provide you with the services you want.

  • Let you know about goods or services we feel would be beneficial to you.

  • Preventing fraud, money laundering, crime and to confirm your identity.

  • Credit scoring and assessment, and credit management (where applicable).

  • Keep our records accurate and up to date.

  • Comply with any legal or regulatory obligations we may have.

Who do we share your information with?

We appreciate that you have provided your information to us and may not want us to share it with other people or organisations, however sometimes it is necessary for us to do so.

We only share your information where we are permitted or required to by law, or where you have requested us to do so. We may share your information with, for example:

  • Any of your family, associates, or someone who represents you, where you have asked us to do so.

  • Our employees who provide you with our services.

  • Carefully selected organisations and specialists to help us provide you with our services.

  • Credit reference and fraud prevention agencies in order to help prevent and detect fraud.

  • Any person, organisation or regulator where we are required to because of a court order, regulatory responsibility, legal duty or statutory obligation.

  • We are careful to minimise such sharing.

Whenever we share your information we do everything we can to make sure it is protected from misuse or loss.

How we keep your information secure

We are committed to ensuring the confidentiality of the personal information that we hold and we continue to review our security controls and related policies and procedures to ensure that your personal information remains secure.

When we contract with third parties, we impose appropriate security, privacy and confidentiality obligations on them to ensure that personal information is kept secure.

Data Retention

We keep your personal information only as long as is necessary for the purpose for which it was collected and to meet regulatory or legislative requirements. Personal information will be securely disposed of when it is no longer required, in accordance with our Data Retention and Disposal Schedule.

What we would also like to do with your information – Marketing

We’re keen to improve your awareness of financial products that we feel could be of interest to you.

We will only send you information about our own products and services. Each time we send you information, we will give you the opportunity to opt out from receiving this type of information.

We might also send you other materials produced by our firm such as newsletters.

If you don’t want to receive any of this type of marketing, please let us know by email: or by calling 020 3475 5159 . Alternatively, you can write to us at the registered address.

Changes to this statement

From time to time, we may amend this privacy statement to reflect changes in the law, guidance from the Information Commissioners Office (ICO), our experience of handling your information, or for other legitimate reasons. We will do this by posting the amended privacy statement on our website. We therefore suggest you check our online privacy statement from time to time to make sure you are aware of the latest version.

Consent – Special Category Data

As detailed above, in some instances, it is necessary for us to collect more sensitive information (such as health or lifestyle information) which is called special category data. This is to allow us to provide our financial advice service to you. This is where we need to gather your consent to the collection and processing of this data. Should we require this infomortaion from you, you can withdraw your consent at any time to us processing this data, however, this may mean that you can no longer access the service or product the information was gathered for.